VILLAGE OF DECATUR REGULAR BOARD MEETING June 13th, 2024 @ 5:30 PM NOTE: Everyone must use the microphones at the table. The audience must be quiet during the meeting. If you want to ask a question …


VILLAGE OF DECATUR REGULAR BOARD MEETING June 13th, 2024 @ 5:30 PM NOTE: Everyone must use the microphones at the table. The audience must be quiet during the meeting. If you want to ask a question and you are not on the agenda, you must raise your hand, get permission from the Chairman, and come to the microphone before speaking. If you are on the agenda the same rule applies. THE VILLAGE BOARD HAS THE RIGHT TO MODIFY THE AGENDA AT THE REGULAR MEETING WHEN CONVENED. MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. A COPY OF THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT IS LOCATED ON THE NORTH WALL. A COPY OF THE MEETING NOTICE WAS POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, POST OFFICE, FIRST NEBRASKA BANK, AND DECATUR EXPRESS. The guest signing in were: Rex Sears, Garrett Johnson (Brickyard Consulting). Guests not signing were Steve & Loretta Kellogg, Rob, Heather and Colton Grandgenett, Jason Redding-Geu (Burt County Emergency Manager), Marilyn Anderson (Senior Center) 1) REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY CHAIRMAN SIECKE. Roll Call: Hightree-yes, Kirschenman-absent, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes. Quorum Present-yes 2) EXCUSE BOARD MEMBERS NOT ATTENDING THE MEETING: Roll Call: Hightree-yes, Kirschenman-absent, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes. No one knew why Kirschenman was not in attendance. 3) AGENDA AND MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MONTH'S MEETING RECEIVED: Roll Call: Hightree-yes, Kirschenman-absent, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes. 4) APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION AND SUSPENDED READING OF THE PREVIOUS MONTH MINUTES. There were none. Roll Call: Hightree-yes, Kirschenman-absent, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes. 5) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND OR COMMITTEES: 1. Police: Monthly Report. No report A. Matt Archer-Oregon Trail Vest. Warren made a motion to allow up to $1,050.00 for the vest. Hightree seconded the motion. Roll Call: Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes, Hightree-yes. B. Justin C King-Police Application. There was no background check at the meeting. The Board would like to speak with Justin before hiring him. 2. Lights: Monthly Report The electric has been out twice this month due to storms. Problems with tree limbs on the lines. The electric will be out on June 14th from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM, to repair a primary line that was damaged in the storm on June 12th. There is a power pole that is leaning, BCPP cannot fix the pole it will have to be replaced. Siecke asked if Max Christensen came and looked at the generator? Warren stated he did and Generac had to come and look at it. There is an oil leak in the generator. Max received a phone call from Generac about billing the Village for the service call, Max told them that the Village should not receive a bill due to it being under warranty. Discussed asking BCPP for a bid to replace power line on 2nd street from a primary to a secondary line. 3. Water & Sewer: Monthly Report There is a water leak somewhere in the Village. The maintenance crew will continue to look for it. The board discussed getting a water meter for the splash pad so that the Village will know how much it is using. 4.Parks: Monthly Report A. May 2024 Income of $18,522.85. Warren stated the campground is full for Riverfront Days. During the storm on Wednesday, June 12th, there were a lot of people who used the storm shelter at the campground. There were two new pedestals installed at the campground with 50amp service. 5. Streets: Monthly Report A. June 2024 Highway Allocation-$6,813.17. B April 2024 Sales Tax $12,540.14-1/2 to LB840. The tube collapsed on fifth avenue, the new tube is here, the maintenance workers just need to get it in. 6. Sears Center: Monthly Report The West door has been fixed. There will be a sign hung on the west door at the Sears Center to please not prop the door open. There are three or four lights burnt out in the dining room at the Sears Center. 6) OLD BUSINESS 1. Garrett Johnson (Brickyard Consulting)-2nd Avenue Sewer Line. The Village received the official approval to finish the 2nd Avenue sewer line. Garrett thought the projected finishing costs of the construction end would be around $30,000.00. The pumps will have to ordered for the man hole and another 48-inch manhole on the west side of 2nd Avenue, this will be the discharge manhole for the force main. The pumps will come from Electric Pump, the Village will have to decide who they want to have as a contractor. If there are any changes, it will have to be sent into the State for approval. Siecke stated that the way the pipe goes across the alley, they need to make sure that the manhole will be on the Village property and not on someone else’s. The easement has not been signed as of tonight. 7) NEW BUSINESS 1. Rex Sears and Loretta Kellogg-Speed Bump on West 10th Street. There were speed bumps put in on 10th street and 5th avenue this week. The Board had talked about this at a previous meeting, but no resolution was done for this area. Rex and Loretta came to the meeting to voice their concerns about this speed bump. They felt there was no communication about putting in a speed bump. stop sign, Lorretta Kellogg stated put one up. Rex left his official complaint with the Village Board. 2. Bid from Ric Ortmeier and Williams & Co.-Budget for Fiscal Year ending 09/30/2025 and Audit for Fiscal Year 09/30/2024. Ortmeier bid was Budget would be approximately $5,000.00. Audit bid is approximately $18,000.00, this fee does not include meeting the requirements of U.S. Office Management and Budget Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. Williams & Company bid: $47,000.00 to 53,000 for the Audit, $6,500.00 to $7,000.00 for preparing the budget. The Board discussed both bids and were worried about the bid from Ortmeier, due to the other fees that were not included in the bid. Ortmeier in the past had asked the Clerk to take his bid out. He wanted to know what our audit had cost in the past and what Williams & Co had bid. The Clerk told him that was confidential. Hightree made a motion to accept Williams & Co bid of $7,000.00 for the budget and $47,000.00 to $53,000.00 for the audit. Troutman seconded the motion. Roll Call: Warren-yes, Siecke-yes, Hightree-yes, Troutman-yes. 3. Rob Grandgenett-LB840 New home. Rob, Heather and Colton came to the table. They are asking for LB840 money to hook up, water, sewer, electric and propane to Colton’s modular home that is being moved in on East 15th Street. The total of the bid is $18,734.85. Siecke explained to them that the funds are reimbursable when the work is finished. Warren made a motion to approve the LB840 application for hooking up water, sewer, electrical and propane to the modular on East 15th street. Troutman seconded the motion. Roll Call: Hightree-yes, Siecke-yes, Warren-yes, Troutman-yes. 4. Jason Redding-Geu (Burt County Emergency Manager) Jason came to the table to introduce himself to the Board. He handed out his business card to the members and told them a little bit about himself. He stated he is here to help out in any way he can. One of his first plans is to get all the towns in the county on one system for storm warnings. The Board also asked if he could point us in the right direction in adding another siren in town, the people on the east side of town can not hear the siren. The Board asked who sets off the sirens? He stated that Burt County does, he stated there is also a button at the Firehall in Decatur. Siecke asked if we still have storm spotters in Decatur? Jason stated we do. 5. Does the Village Board want to apply for a Down Town Revitalization Grant? Hightree explained that the grant will pay for 90% and the Village will pay 10%. Warren made a motion to apply for a downtown revitalization grant. Hightree seconded the motion. Roll Call: Troutman-yes, Siecke-yes, Warren-yes, Hightree-yes. 6. Pay Dues for NENEDD? Troutman made a motion to pay the dues for the Northeast Nebraska Economic Development District in the amount of $670.00. Warren seconded the motion. Roll Call: Hightree-yes, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes. Kirschenman arrived at the meeting. 7. Resolution #190-Selling of Lot 6, Block 21, Village of Decatur, Burt County, Nebraska. Siecke read Resolution #190. RESOLUTION NO. 190 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OF DECATUR, NEBRASKA, DIRECTING THE SALE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VILLAGE LOCATED AT LOT 6, BLOCK 21, ORIGINAL, VILLAGE OF DECATUR, BURT COUNTY, NEBRASKA; PROVIDING THE MANNER, TERMS, AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH SALE. Troutman made a motion to adopt Resolution #190. Warren seconded the motion. Roll Call: Hightree-yes, Kirschenman-yes, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes. Passed and adopted this 13th day of June, 2024. VILLAGE OF DECATUR, NEBRASKA Mark Siecke, Chairperson ATTEST: Therese Magill, Village Clerk 8. Discussion and Possible Action to Lease to Jeania McCulloch real property located at Lot 6, Block 21, Village of Decatur, Burt County, Nebraska. Hightree made a motion to lease Lot 6, Block 21 to Jeania McCulloch for $1.00. Troutman seconded the motion. Roll Call: Kirschenman-yes, Siecke-yes, Warren-yes, Hightree-yes, Troutman-yes. 9. Jeff Meyer-Application for Dump Person and Zoning Inspector. Warren made a motion to hire Jeff Meyer as Dump person at $15.00 an hour, and as Zoning Inspector, (zoning inspector gets half of the building permit fees). Hightree seconded the motion. Roll Call: Kirschenman-yes, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes, Hightree-yes. 10. Decatur Senior Center-Electronic Sign for the Sears Center. Marilyn came to the table and asked permission for the Senior Center to place an electrical sign at the Sears Center for information. The sign would not just advertise for the Seniors, it could be for any business that has something special going on. She asked the Board where they thought would be a good place for the sign to be placed? She stated that she has to have a place for the sign to be placed before she can get a bid. The Board agreed that they thought it should be placed on the sidewalk in between the east parking lot. Marilyn is writing the grant to purchase the sign. Hightree made a motion to allow the placement of the electrical sign. Troutman seconded the motion. Roll Call: Siecke-yes, Warren, Hightree-yes, Troutman-yes. 11. RESOLUTION NO. 191 Placing Speed Bumps on Village Streets RESOLUTION NO. 191 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OF DECATUR, NEBRASKA, PROVIDING FOR THE PLACEMENT OF A SPEED BUMPS ON 2ND AVENUE, BETWEEN 11TH AND 14TH STREET, BETWEEN 2ND AVENUE AND BROADWAY; WITHIN THE VILLAGE’S CAMPGROUND AND ON WEST 10TH STREET, BETWEEN 4TH AVENUE AND 5TH AVENUE. REPEALING CONFLICTING RESOLUTIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Troutman made a motion to adopt Resolution #191 Kirschenman seconded the motion. Roll Call: Hightree-yes, Siecke-yes, Warren-yes, Troutman-yes, Kirschenman-yes. Passed and adopted this 13th day of June, 2024. Mark A Siecke Chairperson ATTEST: Therese M Magill Village Clerk Siecke stated that we need to take the speedbump up on June 14th and put it back in after Riverfront Days, when the Resolution is in effect. 8) CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Next Regular Board Meeting, Thursday, July 11th, 2024 at 5:30 PM. 2. The hours for the splash pad are 10:00 AM to 8:30 PM on Wednesday’s, Friday’s, Saturday’s and Sunday’s. 3. Notice of Valuation Change on Lot 6, Block 21. 4. Are there any questions or comments from the audience? There were none. 9) APPROPRIATIONS AND CONSIDERATION OF THE CLAIMS: 1) Claims preapproved by Warren and Hightree. 2) Motion to Approve the Claims as submitted Troutman 2nd by Warren. Roll Call: Hightree-yes, Kirschenman-yes, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes. 10) MOTION TO ADJOURN THE REGULAR MEETING: Motion to adjourn the meeting: Hightree 2nd Troutman. Adjournment Time: 7:25 PM Mark Siecke Chairman Therese M Magill Village Clerk CLAIMS REPORT-June 2024 A United Door-$1,508.25, Altec-$965.82, Blue Cross-$3,312.60, Bomgaars-$263.09, Burt County Public Power-$28,377.08, Carrier Containers-$2,100.00, Cass Plumbing-$9,059.00, Chem 75-$1,310.00, Decatur Express-$1,276.36, Don Warren-$104.87, Eakes-$59.61, First Nebraska Bank-$3060.00, Hometown Leasing-$173.23, Johnson & Mock-$635.50, Joyce McCullock-$178.60, KH Insurance-$40,843.00, King Disposal-$3,710.73, Lane Repair-$881.16, League of Nebraska Municipalities-$395.00, Lyons Mirror-Sun-$194.99, Midwest Lab-$514.65, Mutual of Omaha-$28.80, NASASP-$39.00, NDED-$13,221.51, Nebraska Department of Revenue-$5,074.24, Nebraska Public Health Lab-$15.00. NENEDD-$712.50, NNTC-$504.62, One Call-$9.18, One Office-$202.43, Postmaster-$151.70, Quadient-$178.36, Security Shredding-$40.00, Signapay-$10.00, Verizon-$674.00. Total Accounts Payable: $119,784.88. Payroll/FICA/State Taxes 05/04/2024 through 06/14/2024: $22,825.74. Report Total: $142,610.62. ZNEZ LMS 06-27-24