The regular monthly Board of Education meeting was held Monday, August 12, 2024 in the Board Meeting Room in the Elementary Building. Administrators present were Superintendent Jessica Bland, …


The regular monthly Board of Education meeting was held Monday, August 12, 2024 in the Board Meeting Room in the Elementary Building. Administrators present were Superintendent Jessica Bland, Elementary Principal MacKenzie Charling and Secondary Principal Michelle Burton. Vice-President Diane Pelan-Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and noted the Nebraska Open Meetings Law. Notice of this meeting was properly posted and/or published by advance Public Notice in accordance with Board Policy #2008 with notice and advance agenda given to the President of the Board and all members prior to the meeting date. ROLL CALL Roll Call was called with the following members present: Marilee Groth, Brett Johnson, Dane Johnson, Kiley Johnson, Tim Magnusson, Henry Unwin and Diane Pelan-Johnson. REGULAR AGENDA Vice-President Pelan-Johnson welcomed 1 visitor. No one addressed the Board. CONSENT AGENDA Unwin moved that the consent agenda be approved as presented. Dane Johnson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. Items included in the consent agenda included the approval of August 12, 2024 meeting agenda; approval of claims from the General Fund in the amount of $75,820.59 and the Lunch Fund in the amount of $3,206.06; and the approval of minutes from the July 15, 2024 regular school board meeting. TREASURER’S REPORT Mrs. Bland reviewed the information on the treasurer’s report. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Mrs. Charling thanked the Board for the opportunity to attend Administrator Days. Principal Charling gave a shout out to the summer staff and Mrs. Robin Smith for all of their help getting ready for the beginning of the school year. The elementary open house will be Tuesday, August 13th from 4 – 6 p.m. Projected enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is 235. Mrs. Burton thanked the Board for the opportunity to attend Administrator Days. Principal Burton gave a shout out to the coaches and sponsors for their work over the summer to provide extra opportunities for students and athletes. Mrs. Burton gave a brief update of NSAA policy updates. Anticipated 7-12 enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is 183. Mrs. Burton provided a list of upcoming trainings and events. Superintendent Bland reported on the status of many of the summer projects. Mrs. Bland reported that we are still looking for a girls wrestling coach. Paula Benne and Alexa Dinville have been hired to fill our open kitchen position. Tammy Schinck will be moving back to a paraprofessional position. Mrs. Bland provided a list of board development opportunities and ended her report by reporting her available vacation and sick leave. APPROVAL OF POLICY UPDATES Brett Johnson moved that Policy 1001 – General Policy Statement; 1002 – Creation, Amendment & Distribution of Board of Education Policies; 1003 – Mission Statement; 2001 – Role of the Board of Education; 2003 – Development & Education of Board Members; 2004 – Oath of Office; 2005 – Conflict of Interest; 2010 – Preparation for Board Meetings; 2011 – Membership in Organizations; 2012 – Board Code of Ethics; 2013 – Violation of Board Ethics; 2014 – Relationship with Legal Counsel; 2015 – Student Member of School Board be approved as presented. Magnusson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION INCREASING THE SCHOOL DISTRICT’S BASE GROWTH PERCENTAGE Magnusson moved to adopt a resolution increasing Oakland-Craig Public School’s base growth percentage used to determine the school district’s property tax request authority by up to 7%. Unwin seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION TO INCREASE BASE GROWTH PERCENTAGE TO DETERMINE ITS PROPERTY TAX REQUEST AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Board of Education (“Board”) for Burt County School District 11-0014, commonly known as Oakland-Craig Public Schools (the “School District”), is planning the School District’s annual budget for the 2024–2025 school year; and WHEREAS, the funding needed for the School District to meet its obligations to its students will require an increase in the base growth percentage used to determine the School District’s property tax request authority under NEB. REV. STAT. § 79-3403; and WHEREAS, Nebraska law authorizes the Board, upon an affirmative vote of at least seventy percent (70%) of the Board, to increase such base growth percentage by up to 7%. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that, pursuant to NEB. REV. STAT. § 79-3405(2), the Board hereby increases the base growth percentage used to determine its property tax request authority for the 2024–2025 budget in an amount of 7%. Said Resolution was adopted by the Board of Education by a vote of 7 to 0 on the 12th day of August, 2024. P2T LEVY FOR 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR Superintendent Bland reviewed the P2T preliminary budget for 2024-2025. TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO THE SAVINGS AND DEPRECIATION FUND After some discussion, Brett Johnson moved to approve the transfer of $100,000 from the 2023-2024 General Fund Budget into the Savings and Depreciation Fund. Unwin seconded the motion. Transferring funds to the Savings and Depreciation Fund helps preserve our budget authority. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. PURCHASE OF IPADS Mrs. Bland reviewed the bid for additional iPads and cases for the elementary. She also explained that REAP funds will be used for this purchase. Brett Johnson moved to approve the purchase of iPads and cases for the elementary in an amount not to exceed $7,600.00. Groth seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS There were no board member reports. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS No committees have met. BUDGET HEARING DATE Groth moved to set the date of the Budget Hearing for September 9, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. Kiley Johnson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. PROPERTY TAX LEVY HEARING DATE Unwin moved to set the date of the Property Tax Levy Hearing for September 9, 2024 immediately following the Budget Hearing. Dane Johnson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-7; Against Motion-0. Motion carried. There being no further business on the agenda of this meeting, Vice-President Diane Pelan-Johnson adjourned this meeting at 8:49 p.m. Secretary, Julie Ehlers GENERAL FUND; ACCELERATE LEARNING INC; $515.45 ACCESS ELEVATOR & LIFTS INC; $350.00 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC.; $5,865.82 BLAND, JESSICA ; $268.38 BOMGAARS; $249.98 CHEM TECH PEST SOLUTIONS; $150.00 CHRISTENSEN ELECTRIC LLC; $929.44 CITY OF OAKLAND; $1,077.22 DECATUR ROCK; $9,655.31 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS; $4,522.67 ESU 2; $25.00 FASTWYRE BROADBAND; $303.15 FIRST BANKCARD; $4,296.35 FRAHM TREE SERVICE; $675.00 HAMPTON INN - KEARNEY; $809.70 HEGGERTY; $862.92 HELENA CHEMICAL CO; $669.88 HOMETOWN LEASING; $1,148.21 JOURNEYED.COM, INC; $500.00 K C PARTS; $890.73 KSB SCHOOL LAW; $1,822.00 MENARDS; $1,786.36 NAEA; $275.00 NCSA; $924.00 NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER; $5,181.31 NEBRASKA SAFETY CENTER; $100.00 OAKLAND INDEPENDENT; $92.69 PLATTE VALLEY EQUIPMENT LLC; $4,800.00 REVOLVING ACCOUNT; $31.00 SCHOLASTIC INC; $115.50 SCOTT'S HARDWARE; $1,298.41 SECOND STREET STATION; $830.80 SKYWAVE; $510.00 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED INC; $11,450.00 ST FRANCIS MEMORIAL HOSP; $130.00 STROMQUIST MASONRY; $2,900.00 TIME MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, INC.; $9,765.00 US OMNI & TSACG COMPLIANCE; $8.36 MAGIC-WRIGHTER, INC.; $34.95 $75,820.59 LUNCH FUND; CASH-WA DISTRIBUTING; $556.37 CHRISTENSEN ELECTRIC LLC; $1,271.16 HOODMASTERS, INC; $643.48 SYSCO LINCOLN; $735.05 $3,206.06 ZNEZ OI 08-29-24