VILLAGE OF DECATUR EMERGENCY BOARD MEETING MINUTES June 20, 2024 4:30 P.M. NOTE: Everyone must use the microphones at the table. The audience must be quiet during the meeting. If you want to ask a …


VILLAGE OF DECATUR EMERGENCY BOARD MEETING MINUTES June 20, 2024 4:30 P.M. NOTE: Everyone must use the microphones at the table. The audience must be quiet during the meeting. If you want to ask a question and you are not on the agenda, you must raise your hand, get permission from the Chairman, and come to the microphone before speaking. If you are on the agenda the same rule applies. THE VILLAGE BOARD HAS THE RIGHT TO MODIFY THE AGENDA AT THE PUBLIC MEETING WHEN CONVENED. MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. A COPY OF THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT IS LOCATED ON THE STEPS. A COPY OF THE MEETING NOTICE WAS POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, POST OFFICE, AND DECATUR EXPRESS. Guest signing in were: Lynn Kellogg, Cole Boden, Justin Boden, Derek Swanson, Chance Boden. 1) Emergency Meeting called to order by Chairman Siecke Roll Call: Hightree-yes, Kirschenman-absent, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes Quorum present-yes 2) Excuse board members not attending the meeting: Yes excuse Kirschenman from the emergency meeting. Roll Call: Hightree-yes, Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes. 1. Broadway Brothers Project. Siecke stated that we all know why we are here. Troutman has been doing the research on this project. He stated that on April 13, 2023 Justin Boden asked permission to have an outdoor sitting area in the front of Broadway Brother’s. They wanted to put in a fenced in area on the west side of the building, and add it to his liquor license if the Village gives him permission to do so. According to the April 2023 meeting the Board gave him permission to erect the outside seating area and leave 3-foot of sidewalk for people to use the sidewalk, and this area would be taken down in the winter months. Kirschenman seconded the motion. There was much discussion about the veranda. Siecke stated that the issue is the permanency of the veranda. Warren stated that there is not enough room to walk between the cars and the veranda. Siecke stated that you are not in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) unless there is a complaint. Cole Boden stated that they are making the veranda a walk-through veranda, so there should not be an ADA issue. There was much more discussion. Cole Boden (Contractor) made a drawing of the proposed veranda; this explained a lot to the Board. There was not a building permit issued before the building started. After much discussion the Board and the owners of Broadway Brothers came to a compromise. Hightree made a motion to allow the veranda, with the stipulation that if Broadway Brothers ever closes that the veranda will be taken down and Broadway Brothers will scoop their own snow in the winter time. Troutman seconded the motion. Roll Call: Siecke-yes, Warren-yes, Hightree-yes, Troutman-yes. 3) Motion to adjourn the emergency meeting Warren 2nd Hightree Roll Call: Siecke-yes, Troutman-yes, Warren-yes, Hightree-yes. ADJOURNMENT TIME 4:59 P.M. ZNEZ LMS 07-04-24