A Special Board of Education meeting was held Wednesday, August 28, 2024 in the Board Meeting Room in the Elementary Building. Administrators present were: Superintendent Jessica Bland. President …


A Special Board of Education meeting was held Wednesday, August 28, 2024 in the Board Meeting Room in the Elementary Building. Administrators present were: Superintendent Jessica Bland. President Aaron Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and noted the Nebraska Open Meetings Law. Notice of this meeting was properly posted and published by advance Public Notice in accordance with Board Policy #2008 with notice and advance agenda given to the President of the Board and all members prior to the meeting date. ROLL CALL Roll Call was called with the following members present: Marilee Groth, Brett Johnson, Dane Johnson, Kiley Johnson, Tim Magnusson, Diane Pelan-Johnson, Gus Ray, Henry Unwin and Aaron Anderson. REGULAR AGENDA President Anderson welcomed 1 visitor. No one addressed the Board. CONSENT AGENDA Magnusson moved that the consent agenda be approved as presented. Brett Johnson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0. Items included in the consent agenda included the approval of August 28, 2024 meeting agenda; approval of claims from the General Fund in the amount of $239,825.68 and the approval of minutes from the August 12, 2024 regular school board meeting. BUDGET WORK SESSION Superintendent Bland reviewed the 2024-2025 budget and tax levy request. Much discussion followed. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT Magnusson moved to approve the purchase of a Certificate of Deposit in the amount of $150,000 from the General Fund and $150,000 from the Building fund for a term of 18 months at 5% interest. Diane Pelan-Johnson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Voting results were: For Motion-9; Against Motion-0. There being no further business on the agenda of this meeting, President Anderson adjourned this meeting at 8:04 p.m. Secretary, Julie Ehlers GENERAL FUND A UNITED AUTOMATAIC DOORS & GLASS; $48,394.55 ABE KRASNE HOME FURNISHINGS; $33,000.00 ACTIVITY ACCOUNT; $2,480.00 BRUMMOND, GREG ; $471.40 CHRISTENSEN ELECTRIC LLC; $3,111.50 DEPRECIATION FUND; $100,000.00 DIODE TECHNOLOGIES; $23,939.28 EGAN SUPPLY; $4,210.00 ESU 2; $7,053.92 FIREGUARD, INC; $3,910.35 IXL LEARNING; $3,000.00 JENNINGS HEATING, AIR & PLUMBING; $4,723.92 LUNCHFUND; $1,271.16 MEMORIES CAFE; $960.00 MIDWEST TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS; $1,214.75 QUILL; $285.34 REVOLVING ACCOUNT; $65.88 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE; $814.19 WESTPOINT AUTO & TRUCK CENTER, INC.; $919.44 $239,825.68 ZNEZ OI 09-12-24