Village of Craig Board Proceedings June 13, 2024 Village of Craig Board of Trustees met in regular session June 13, 2024, at 7:09p.m. at the Craig Fire Hall. Advance notice was shown to the public …


Village of Craig Board Proceedings June 13, 2024 Village of Craig Board of Trustees met in regular session June 13, 2024, at 7:09p.m. at the Craig Fire Hall. Advance notice was shown to the public with a post at the Village office and Craig Post Office. A copy of the notice is on file at the Craig Village Office. Board Members present: Board Chair, Melissa Pedersen, Jean Meyer, Sassy Nesemeier, Elizabeth Smith, and Mike Uhing. Also present, Bart Meyer, Elizabeth Dunn and community members. Approved Bills and Claims: DJ Auto- $1,051.45; JEO-CDBG grant- $8,800; ACCO-semi-annual service/pumping tube- $705.70; Black Hills Energy- $112.77; Farmer’s Pride- $1,150.19; Hydro Optimization- field labor/well circuit breaker-$877.40; Johnson&Mock- $164; NNTC- $184.24; NNED- 24-25 mem. Fee- $670; NDEL- $15; NPPD- $2,552.45; One Call Concepts- $20.38; Platte Valley- $793.74; S&S Pumping- pumped out lift station- $6,250; Verizon- $110.96; Bomgaars- $140.50; Brenneis Insurance- renewal- $17,035; Christensen Electric- Ball field light- $1,501.13; Lindy Glass- Front door C.C.- $9,883.72; NE Dept. of Rev.- Sales & use tax-May- $160.53; US Dept. of Treasury- $6,689.77; NE Dept Rev.- $ 450.11; Payroll- $3,569.10 DEPARTMENT REPORTS Department reports were given by B. Meyer and E. Dunn INFORMATIONAL E.Dunn was sworn in as new Village Clerk. D. Hinman presented a contract for lease of a tractor which was approved at last month’s meeting, starting July 1, 2024. Citizen inquired about placing a weight limit on main street. A citizen offered to sell a plot of land to the village for $1, potentially used for village equipment. Conversation of ordinance personnel was discussed. Two new grinders were installed at the sewer lift station. Updates on CDBG grant and Logan East Rural Water were given. The emergency situation regarding lift station discussed and updates given by Bart. A new roof on the community center was approved. Start of work is TBA. B. Meyer spoke about the replacement of the lights and covers at the baseball field and one main breaker. CLOSED SESSION ITEMS APPROVED A motion to approve the consent agenda was made by M. Uhing and seconded by E. Smith. All present voted AYE. Items included in consent agenda: June 13th agenda, May 9th meeting minutes, and June 2024 claims. Eugene Nelson approached the board with a bid from JMR Construction LLC for the community center roof. M. Uhing moved to approve the bid. J. Meyer seconded and all present voted AYE. B. Meyer approached the board to request to buy 6 storm drain covers ranging from $140-$160/drain to be taken from sewer fund. J. Meyer moved to approve the storm drains and M. Uhing seconded all present voted AYE. Treasurer’s Report was presented to the board. M. Pedersen moved to accept the Treasurer's report and J. Meyer seconded the motion. All present voted AYE. Meeting adjourned at 8:23 pm by a motion from S. Nesemeier, seconded by J. Meyer. All present voted AYE. A complete transcript of the board minutes is available at the village Office. ZNEZ OI 06-27-24