REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS The City of Lyons has been awarded a Community Development Block Grant - Public Works – Facilities through the Nebraska Department of Economic Development and is now …


REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS The City of Lyons has been awarded a Community Development Block Grant - Public Works – Facilities through the Nebraska Department of Economic Development and is now seeking “Statement of Qualifications” from professional engineering firms interested in assisting the City in the design and eventual construction of a new tornado/storm shelter with restrooms and storage and construction of a new pavilion with kitchen, restroom and picnic tables. Engineering firms are encouraged to submit their qualifications to assist the City in all needed services including project engineering and design, assisting with funding coordination, project permits, development of bid documents, oversight of the bidding process, construction contract administration, and construction observation through completion of the project. The selection of a PROJECT ENGINEER will be according to the following criteria and weighing factors: 1. Technical expertise of the firm. (30 points) 2. Qualifications of key personnel (30 points) 3. Past Record of Performance (20 points) 4. Capacity of the firm to perform the work. (20 points) 5. Familiarity of the firm with this type of project and Community Development Block Grant. (20 points) The firm’s qualifications that best meets the needs of the City of Lyons will be considered. Negotiations of the contract amount will be conducted after the selection of the best-qualified respondent. Only fixed price or not to exceed contracts will be negotiated. Cost and percentage of cost contracts will not be allowed. The City of Lyons is an equal opportunity employer and requires all contractors and consultants to comply with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Elaborate and expensive presentation aids are neither necessary nor encouraged. If you have questions, please contact Whitney Anderson, City Clerk at 402-687-2485. Seven copies of your Expression of Interest and Statement of Qualifications are required by 4:30 P.M., Central Time, September 30th at the following address: City of Lyons Whitney Anderson PO Box 598 Lyons, NE 68038 ZNEZ LMS 09-05-24